The mini Sliver is an even simpler and still equally awesome solution to putting gratitude back in the hands of those who should receive it.
Hand selected from perfectly sized Rocky Mountain Beetle Kill logs ... The mini Sliver is band saw cut to an inch and a half thick, and then chopped at an 8 degree angle on the bottom so it can stand on it's own and salute your awesomeness all day long.
Dimensions are smaller than the regular sized sliver and come with a smaller 4" to 5" diameter engravable surface.
Customizations are plentiful with The Sliver. We can bypass the self standing cutoff, we can sand them smooth, we can laser engrave messaging on both sides, we can inlay metal as you can see here with the High Fives Foundation Logo on a version of The Sliver we call The Pure Awesomeness. We can also change sizes of The Sliver to accommodate special sizing requests.
Example uses for The Sliver